Attention should be paid to the locations of specimens for impact tests for double V joints in accordance with PN-EN ISO 15614-1:2017-08 and other rules, e.g., DNVGL-OS-C401 edition 2019-07, Lloyd’s Register (Rules for the production, testing and certification of materials, July 2019).
For PN-EN ISO 15614-1:2017-08 impact tests shall be carried out in accordance with PN-EN ISO 9016 and PN-EN ISO 148-1. In the case of double V welds, the face side is the side that contains the larger width of the weld or from which the welding energy was first applied (1st side). However, for DNVGL-OS-C401 or Lloyd’s Register face side is 2nd side.
The figure shows three cases:
a) the width of the 2nd side is equal to the 1st side
b) the width of the 2nd side is greater than the 1st side
c) the width of the 2nd side is less than the 1st side

Only in case b) the 2nd side can be the face side according to PN-EN ISO 15614-1:2017-08, DNVGL-OS-C401 and Lloyd’s Register.